Missing Teeth — What Are My Options

One of the most common questions you hear in the dental office is “what type of dental restoration is best for me and my oral health?” Followed by “how can I replace these missing teeth?”  The different types of dental restorations can be overwhelming and often hard for patients to understand without visualizing what they are actually getting. At Indigo Dentistry, we provide a thorough explanation of the types of dental restorations, as well as showing patients physical examples of these restorations. It is often easier for a patient to accept and understand treatment when they have a clear understanding of what type of restoration they are receiving. There are multiple different ways to replace a missing tooth and or teeth in dentistry.  

Dental Implants:

A dental implant is a titanium screw that is placed into the jaw bone in the area of the missing tooth. A period of healing occurs while the bone integrates around the implant. The dental implant acts as the “root” of the tooth that is missing. Dental implants are typically placed by a periodontist or oral surgeon, and once the healing process occurs, you return to your general dentist to have an impression taken of the implant site to fabricate a crown. The best thing about an implant is that it keeps a one tooth problem a one tooth solution. 

Fixed Dental Bridges:

A bridge is a great restoration for a patient that is looking for a quicker time frame as far as receiving their tooth replacement restoration. A bridge means crowning the teeth on either side of the missing tooth with a prosthetic tooth in the middle; these crowns are all connected and are inserted as once piece. Typically, patients receive their bridge at the second appointment unless an extraction is required. If an extraction is required, patients will remain in a temporary bridge for six to eight weeks to allow their gum tissue to heal for a proper fitting bridge. A bridge is a fixed restoration, meaning it’s cemented into place and does not come in and out. 

Removable partial dentures:

Partials are one of the most cost-effective ways to replace multiple teeth at one time. There are a series of appointments before actually receiving a partial, which start with impressions and then are followed by a series of try-in appointments before the partial is delivered. We take these extra steps in between to make sure patients have the best fitting partial at their delivery appointments with little to no adjustments. Partials are a removable restoration, meaning they are to be taken in and out of the mouth, most importantly at night to give gum tissue a rest and after meals to clean around and underneath them to prevent risk of cavities. Partials also take some time to get used to wearing especially if a patient has never worn a partial before. Adjustments that are needed after partials are very common, it doesn’t mean something is wrong. Almost 80% of patients will need some type of adjustment with wearing a new partial. 

With any new dental restoration, it is important to make sure there is a good foundation before financially investing in dental treatment. At Indigo Dentistry, we will provide excellent quality of care by taking a look clinically and radiographically to present the best dental restorative options, while reviewing pros and cons associated with each.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please call 803-736-9991 or email us at indigo@indigodentistrycolumbia.com



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