Dental Night Guards—Should I Consider One

Have you ever been told you grind your teeth at night? Do you wake up with pain, headaches, or soreness in your jaw? These symptoms are often signs of bruxism. Some people may do this consciously during the day, but it is often a larger problem at night — this can lead to serious dental problems if left untreated. Bruxism can damage your enamel, wear down teeth, and cause jaw pain. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it may be time to discuss getting an oral appliance such as an occlusal guard, often referred to as a night guard.

Who should wear one?

One of the most common reasons people need an occlusal guard is to help with headaches related to TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain. People may grind their teeth when they feel overwhelmed or anxious which can contribute to this pain. They are also diagnosed for patients experiencing grinding or clenching concerns. If you find yourself keeping your teeth clenched together during the day, you would benefit from this appliance.

What is it and how do I get one?

A night guard is a clear split that is similar to a whitening tray but significantly thicker— can last for several years and are custom fit for comfort. It provides a barrier between your top and bottom teeth. Dr. McCoy will first take impressions to have the appliance fabricated by our dental lab. You will then return two weeks later to receive your new mouthpiece. Some adjustments are considered normal as we fit the appliance to your bite. As you begin to wear it if you experience headaches or jaw pain an adjustment may be needed. It may take some time for your muscles to adjust. Wearing this appliance can help control bruxism issues by distributing the biting forces evenly in the mouth.

How do I care for my new appliance?

Inspect and examine regularly for flaws, cracks, or rough areas. Using it for some amount of time, shiny spots and wear may appear on the biting surface and the edges may become rough. You should only clean it with a warm soapy washcloth or a soft toothbrush. It is not advised to use toothpaste to scrub your mouthpiece, it is too abrasive. Doing so can create small micropores that are naked to the human eye but can harbor bacteria. A white film may also develop, this is caused by the calcium in your saliva and can easily be removed. Bring your occlusal guard to your routine dental cleanings so our team members can inspect and clean it for you.

Whether you are investing in your first night guard or need a new one, we want to help you. If you want to save your natural teeth, avoid potential discomfort and prevent financial burdens, we offer the perfect solution to help combat teeth grinding. Call us at (803) 736-9991 or email us at for more information.


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